
Georgia VOAD currently has the following committees

These committees are not tied to a particular disaster, but instead focus on their subject matter throughout the year to create guidance documents, best practices, and other resources for the Georgia VOAD membership and the general public.

Standing Committees

  1. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the officers identified in section VII, and the most recent past president that still represents an eligible organization.
  2. The Executive Committee shall approve or disapprove presidential appointments for unexpired terms of  secretary and treasurer.
  3. The Executive Committeeshall make recommendations to and conduct business on behalf of GAVOAD between regular scheduled meetings of GAVOAD.
  4. The Executive Committee shall operate on behalf of other standing committees as needed.
  5. The Executive Committee will represent the membership interests in the organization and to represent the  organization as its legal voice by practicing duty of loyalty, duty of care, and duty of obedience.

Chair: Lanita Lloyd

  1. Committee will recommend to the Executive Committee, amendments to current bylaws, upon proposals for amendments referred to the committee.
  2. Will review and monitor current policies and procedures of current Bylaws, ensuring consistency with the bylaws and to propose revisions to the bylaws if necessary.
  3. Using NVOAD, and other applicable bylaws, will ensure GAVOAD bylaws are reliable and accurate.

Chair: Luis Morales

  1. Communication Committee will work to make sure timely and current information is shared with the members.
  2. Communication Committee will look at creative ways to share GAVOAD news via social media.
  3. Communication Committee will work with Membership Committee in recruitment, retention, and member update sharing.

Chair: Kathy Shemwell

  1. The Emotional and Spiritual Care Committee, embraces the contribution of various mental health disciplines and faith-based groups, to foster emotional and spiritual care to people affected by disaster.
  2. The Emotional and Spiritual Care Committee helps identify, and educates members, on specific issues of emotional and spiritual needs that are significant components of disaster response.
  3. The Emotional and Spiritual Care Committee promote best practices, standards and models to provide effective emotional and spiritual care.

Co-Chairs: Pastor Morgan Gordy & Myla Mitchell

  1. The Membership Committee shall encourage organizations to consider membership in GAVOAD. 
  2. The Membership Committee shall encourage recruitment and retention of member organizations, and their participation in all aspects of GAVOAD business.
  3. The Membership Committee shall review membership qualifications and make  recommendation as needed to the EC for inclusion at a regularly scheduled GAVOAD meeting.

Chair: Adam Garner


  1. Ad Hoc Committees may be created and/or terminated, as needed, by the EC.
  2. The mission, scope, composition, and term of such committees shall be determined by the EC.